Thursday, 19 May 2011

Process of Testing a Mobile Application

(A) Handheld 
      A mobile device (also known as cellphone device, handheld device, handheld computer, “Palmtop” or simply handheld) is a pocket-sized computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input or a minature keyboard.  In the case of the Personal Digital Assistant(PDA) the input and output are combined into a touch-screen interface and are used to achieve a variety of tasks for increasing efficiency that include digitizing notes, sending and receiving invoices, asset management, recording signatures, and scanning barcodes.

      Testing handheld device include testing of the appearance, battery backup, charger functionality, gprs, calculator, calender, date and time, alarm, sound clarity, voice clarity, making incoming and outgoing calls etc..

Testing of Handheld devices differ according to the application. To test the mobile handset, first know all the applications configured with the mobile and then test it one by one. Generally performs Downlaod testing(OTA,BT,IR), Sanity testing, Performance testing, functionality testing, Network testing, compatibility tesing, Regression testing, Interruption testing(SMS,MMS,Charger insertion etc.).  One should test the behaviour of the application for SMS, incoming calls, power on/off, battery removal and Alarm reminders.  Then network connection wi-fi/wireless should also be checked. Mobile handset are tested by launching different applications.  Feature interaction cases are done inorder to ensure the stability of the application. User interface is tested by invoking different menu option in some of the application, there by GUI is tested. Performance is tested under low battery condition.

(B) Emulator/Simulator Environment 
      There are two types of mobile applications.  One is pre-installed and another one is downloadable.  To test a pre-installed application, study the application very well and prepare a test plan.  Write test cases for different scenarios Downlaod and install the emulator/simulator and set up the environment. Prepare test data and execute the test cases using the emulator or simulator. User performs the actions by using the keyboard or mouse.   If any defect found, understand the cause of defect.  If that defect is not arised from the application(eg:- environment set up problem, then fix the defect. Otherwise, send a defect report to the corresponding engineer. 

      The simulation environment allows to build and run the application on computer. The use of simulation environment includes :
    • Find and fix major problems in the application during design and early testing.
    • Layout and test the application’s user interface.
Measure the application’s memory usage before carrying out detailed performance analysis
      The application provides several ways of interacting with it using the keyboard and mouse to simulate the actions that performs. 

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